Mistakes People Make That Allow Their Homes To Be Easily Victimized

Posted on: 28 June 2017


There are a lot of mistakes people make every day that leave them more open to having their home victimized and most of the time they don't even know they are doing anything wrong. Here are some everyday common mistakes you can be making around your home that can be sacrificing your safety and increasing your chances of a burglary unknowingly:

Leave your windows open when you run to the store

While it may be a tedious chore to run around the house on a warm day and shut every window for just a quick run to the corner market, it is something that you should do anyway. An open window is a direct invitation to burglars. They can use it to rob you now, or use it to sneak in and hide in your house until they decide to make their presence known, which can bring you real danger.

Leave your doors unlocked at any time

You should get in the habit of locking your doors even when you are inside of the house. Anytime you leave doors unlocked you are allowing anyone to walk right into your home as if they live there. If you are home with an unlocked door, you are leaving yourself at risk of an ugly confrontation. If you are gone, you are welcoming thieves to rob you. When someone walks right into a house, the chances are good that neighbors won't suspect anything wrong and therefore won't even report the incident, since it looks to them as if you simply have company over.

Leave items in your yard

When you leave items in your yard you are making them extremely easy to steal. Some of the most common items usually left in yards that end up getting stolen include bicycles, tools, and even dirt bikes that can be easily tossed into the back of a truck. Even if you have a fence around your yard, many criminals can quickly jump the fence and toss many items right over the fence.

Underestimate the protection a security system can bring

If you are in the position to do so you really should have a security system installed. Although just about everyone has heard how helpful they can be in protecting their homes, some people still decide against having them installed. If you really want to make sure your home is protected, one of the best things to do is have a system with cameras put in.

Leave your garage door broken

If your garage door ends up breaking then it leaves you at a greater risk of having your belongings stolen. Garages are already at an increased risk of break-ins because they tend to be on the other side of houses, where criminals can get away with breaking into them and stealing out of them without being seen or heard. If your garage door is broken you want to call for garage door repair right away.